Tomorrow, the Protection Against Public Participation hearing will finally begin. The hearing will last four days, from Tuesday, November 30th to Friday, December 3rd, 2021.
Access to the hearing is available by phone. Request access by emailing The Honourable Bruce Cohen, Superior Courts Communications Officer, at SCJCommunicationsOfficer at bccourts dot ca. My case is Proctorio Incorporated v. Ian Linkletter, file S208730, Vancouver Registry.
Each day’s proceeding will begin at 10am and last until 4pm. There are two 15-minute breaks and a 90-minute lunch break, meaning 4 hours of court time each day. Please read the conditions: https://www.bccourts.ca/supreme_court/documents/COVID-19_Notice_No.43_%20Notice_to_Media_and_the_Public_Regarding_Access_to_Court_Proceedings.pdf
If you have time, I encourage you to witness Proctorio’s behaviour for yourself.
Stand against Proctorio, look out for each other, and we got this. Together, we cannot be silenced.
Thank you so much.
Ian Linkletter